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Saturday, June 29, 2013

My First Post

My First Post

Thank you for visiting my blog. I have never done this (blogging) before, so please bear with me as I learn the ropes...

I am a writer "wanna be"; meaning I love to write, but I have never been published. I will occasionally post small excerpts of my writing for your pleasure (and mine, of course). I am in the process of writing 2 different books. I have the outlines done and a couple of chapters completed on each book.

Writing consistently is very difficult because I am trying to study at the same time and keep house because I am in-between jobs right now. I am in the process of finishing a Pharmacy  Technician program. It is decent money and will help when I go to self-publish. I will eventually finish my bachelor's degree so that I can be a pharmacist. Now that is really good money plus I get to help people, which is something that I have always wanted to do in my future.

I am writing under the pseudonym, Sophia Welsh. There is no logic behind choosing this name, it was completely random. Just in case you are wondering...

Oh and I am a perpetual student. I have been enrolled in college since I was 19 years old. Off and on. I finally graduated with my associate's degree in May 2012. I was very excited! :)

Now a little about myself...

I am 30 years old and married to the love of my life, J. We have been married for 7 years in October 2013.  It has not always been good, but we are working on it, which is all a person can ask. We have three children; two dogs, Princess & Brownie, and one cat, Odie. We used to have Garfield (the cat), but she ran away in November 2012. Guess she did not love us anymore!! These are the only children we have and are planning on having unless we adopt (which is very unlikely). I have quite a few health problems, first and foremost, bipolar disorder. We did not want to bring a child into this world with the oddest stacked against them. That is all I will say on the matter.

I also have 2 nieces and 4 nephews from my younger sister and her husband and my younger brother and his wife. I am the oldest of my parents' kids; however I have an older sister and older brother from my dad's first marriage whom I do not talk to because they have chosen not to be a part of my family. I have even tried to get in contact with them, but have been rebuffed or ignored both times. I just don't know about people sometimes.

I live in Texas in the DFW (Dallas/Fort Worth) area. I have lived in Texas all my life. I love to travel, though, and will go anywhere on vacation as long as there is a beach (and maybe some alcoholic beverages).

I love to read, craft, sew, and, of course, write in my free time. I am probably the last of  my generation that knows how to sew. It is a dying art that I wish would come back!

Ok. That is all for now. I will post again soon, so until then, remember:
A woman is like a tea bag... You never know how strong she is until you stick her in hot water.